ConsultRX is a Nationwide VIP Service
Offered by the Revelation network of pharmacies that has the time, expertise, and resources to go above and beyond normal pharmacy services for clinical consulting. Virtual consulting options are available for both patients and providers.
At Key Compounding Pharmacy, we empower you to make informed, alternative choices for improved health and wellness via personalized medicine. Our pharmacists have the expertise to compound products requiring specialized ingredients, and our state-of-the-art lab is home to sophisticated equipment not available in most pharmacies.

At Key Compounding Pharmacy, we empower you to make informed, alternative choices for improved health and wellness via personalized medicine. Our pharmacists have the expertise to compound products requiring specialized ingredients, and our state-of-the-art lab is home to sophisticated equipment not available in most pharmacies.
P: (206) 878-3900
530 South 336th St. Federal Way, WA 98003
At Key Compunding, we understand that every patient has specific goals for their own well-being.
We provide you with customized formulations so you can live your life the way you intended it.
Key Compounding works directly with Providers to customize medications for their patients.

PHARMACIST FORMULATIONS - Let’s Prioritize Your Well-Being!
Created to enhance overall health, our products prioritize safety, purity, and effectiveness. With a focus on optimizing nutrient absorption, our supplements target nutritional gaps, fostering a balanced and thriving lifestyle. Meticulously crafted solutions dedicated to supporting your body's needs and promoting vitality in every aspect of your well-being.

Instead of offering just one manufactured prescription strength for everyone, now each patient can be matched with the strength that is best for him or her. In the art of extemporaneous compounding, we tailor medicines and dosages to meet patient’s specific needs. Rather than matching the patient to the prescription, we match the prescription to the patient.
Our commitment to quality and patient safety is second to none. As a PCCA member, we can assure the highest quality for every preparation.
When your doctor sends us a prescription, our staff diligently tracks your order to ensure it is processed quickly and efficiently.
We believe that integrity and accountability are the foundation for a genuine and long lasting relationship with our patients and customers.
We believe in empowering the patient and physician community through knowledge by providing access to high quality education.
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Key Compounding Pharmacy!