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Respiratory Nebulizer

Watch how to use the Philips InnoSpire Elegance Nebulizer Compressor for treatment of asthma, COPD and other respiratory conditions.

Pregnyl Injection

This video will give you instructions on how to use the pen, how to get the correct dosage, how to give the injection, and proper discarding of needles and syringes.


Topi-CLICK® Perl

Topi-CLICK® Perl™ is an innovative NEW way to dispense vaginal medications! Using the same accurate technology of the Topi-CLICK® 35, the Perl is a precise vaginal dosing method designed for comfort and ease-of-use.



The NEW Topi-CLICK® 35 is a smart, effective topical applicator that was designed to overcome the various limitations associated with pumps, syringes, tubes, tubs, and jars. Topi-CLICK makes it easy to accurately measure the dose and apply topical medications to the intended area, thereby decreasing the risk of improper dosing and contamination while improving compliance and outcomes of therapy.

Ticker™ Metered Dose Applicator

HRTicker general introduction by Aria. The HRTicker is a Metered Dose Applicator capable of delivering volumetric doses as small as 1/20th of a gram per actuation. It has a soft tick and a loud click. Each loud (hard) click is located at every 90 degrees. There are a total of four loud clicks per each complete turn.

Innospire Go Child Mask

Combining a built-in rechargeable battery and virtually silent operation, InnoSpire Go is a discreet, portable therapy, giving you and your family more time for the fun things in life. Taking care of the family often involves sacrifices,but with the fast, easy-to-use InnoSpire Go nebulizer, time needn’t be one.

Innospire Go Adult Mask

Built-in, rechargeable, long-life battery – can provide 30 treatments per charge, enabling portability, and reduces ongoing running costs. Simple two-part design – an easily detachable mouthpiece makes the device simple to use, fill, clean, and maintain.